Military archdiocese gets new warrior shepherd

Military archdiocese gets new warrior shepherd December 3, 2007

When the news broke that Archbishop Edwin O’Brien was being moved from his position as head of the Archdiocese of United States Military Services to serve the Archdiocese of Baltimore, I was secretly hoping that the Church would use the opportunity to quietly get itself out of the business of serving as chaplain to the American war machine.

No such luck. Meet the new warrior shepherd, Archbishop Timothy Paul Broglio.

[NOTE: Some VN readers are concerned that comments have been turned off on this post. For a good summary of the VN contributors’ thinking on comments, see this post. Frankly, it seems evident why certain folks want to comment on this particular post: the predictable responses are easy to imagine and I’m not sure I see the point of rehearsing those debates again and again. I had suggested to VN as a whole that we disable comments for the entirety of the Advent season, but we opted against it. I, however, will be closing comments on my own posts during this time. If you are truly dying to let yourself be heard, this blog seems to be willing to provide an outlet for your patriotism. As always, you are welcome to email me at the address listed on the About the Contributors page.]

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